Knowledge & Technology Transfer

Technology transfer is the process of transferring scientific findings from one organisation to another for the purpose of further development and commercialisation.
The process followed typically includes:
– Identifying new technologies
– Protecting technologies through patents and copyrights
– Forming development and commercialisation strategies such as marketing and licensing to existing private sector companies or creating new startup companies based on the technology.

The ultimate benefits of technology transfer are the public benefits derived from the products that reach the market and the jobs that result from the development and sale of products

Academic and research institutions engage in technology transfer for a variety of reasons, such as:
– Recognition for discoveries made at the institution
– Compliance with regulations
– Attraction and retention of talented faculty
– Local economic development
– Attraction of corporate research support
– Licensing revenue to support further research and education

Commercialisation can be pursued without disrupting the core values of publication and sharing of information, research results, materials and know-how

The patenting by academic institutions of discoveries resulting from research protects the investment made in research and ensures that these discoveries have the opportunity to reach the stream of commerce. Investments in intellectual property are returned to the public through products that benefit the public, increased employment, and taxes. As the transition from a manufacturing-based economy to a knowledge-based economy continues, the role of university intellectual property will play an increasingly important part. Many countries are developing programs to enhance economic development through technology transfer from local research universities. This growing emphasis on economic development will undoubtedly lead to more complicated relationships, interactions and expectations for academic institutions.

Registered Scientist statusA science professional may have a career as a scientist, in science or from science

Scientist registration with SR21 provides independent recognition of your achievements and maintains the status of the exact standards required to join the global community of professional scientists. Many scientists today work across different areas of science. Our professional register is for all practicing scientists, independent of discipline.

Technology transfer is the tool that helped translate a basic research discovery into products that have improved human health, and shaped our world

Sometimes, though, university discoveries require extensive development before products and services can be made available to the public. Universities can’t do this alone. In one of the major advances of the 20th century, researchers at Stanford and UC San Francisco learned to clone genes in the early 1970s, but it wasn’t until 1982 that the first new drug based on this discovery – human insulin – was approved for human use. Turning the research discovery into a useful product required significant investment and further development by a private company partner, Genentech. Because companies invested in developing this university discovery, today literally hundreds of new health care products are in use, and a new industry – biotechnology – adds tremendous value to the world’s economy.

The motivation for most people in technology transfer is not the money it can generate. The real value is about impact

The main motivation for a university to transfer technology is an extension of its basic mission – to teach, to generate and share new knowledge, and to be of service to society. And sometimes technology transfer generates significant income for the company partner and the university. With increasing success, and the occasional blockbuster product based on an academic discovery, reliance on university technology transfer efforts has grown. Regionally, universities are seen as a source of innovations for local companies to create new products and local jobs. University officials see technology transfer activities as a potential source of revenue to support university programs, and an opportunity for professional development for faculty keen to see their research benefit the public.

Registered Scientist status Science jobs are not all the same

Registration as a scientist provides professional recognition for those working in scientific and higher technical roles. Registered scientists with SR21 represent the best professional scientists working worldwide. Leading teams and departments, use their specialist knowledge and broader scientific understanding to develop and improve the application of science and technology.

Institutions support their technology transfer programs, and many programs must be self-supporting. Most of the funds generated through technology transfer go for further research and education, and are shared with researchers who often use them for additional research

Everyone, it seems, has an idea of what technology transfer can do for them. In this environment, the people who manage the university innovations play a crucial role and are relied upon by universities, companies, investors and economic development officials to identify and manage new discoveries in the best interest of the public. Their role includes:
• Preserving intellectual property rights
• Facilitating partnerships with companies and other partners in support of further research or product development
• Protecting the academic research enterprise – the source of future innovations.

We invite you to learn more about products and some of the exciting stories behind successful technology transfer efforts

In the summer of 2006, specialists from a dozen leading research institutions came together to consider the role of technology transfer in today’s university. Recognising that, “universities share certain core values that can and should be maintained to the fullest extent possible in all technology transfer agreements,” they discussed their shared perspectives on the profession and developed “Nine Points to Consider in Licensing University Technology”. Among the values supported are scientific freedom, broad access to research tools, conflicts of interest, and unmet societal needs. The role of technology transfer will be critical for universities for the foreseeable future.

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