We inspire changeBachelor degrees
Our Bachelor programs provide great insight into subjects such as business management, finance, marketing, IT, organization, and management. Our academics, research groups, and experts provide solutions to the challenges faced by students, society, and the economy, with the people of our institute working across disciplines to help businesses, communities, and policymakers benefit from our research outputs.
Our study programs are based on current research and assessed at the highest level, and as a student, you will be part of an active study environment characterized by an informal setting, all of which combine to equip you for a professional career.
Our programs offer advanced education designed to prepare you to work in a specific field or discipline. Similar to other academic degrees, like doctorates and certain master's, Advanced degrees are considered terminal degrees or the highest degree you can achieve in an area.
Advanced Studies awards are specifically geared toward a particular career profile. They are awarded in Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Germany, and various other countries in the world, as higher continuing education (‘Weiterbildung’) degrees.