We inspire changeBachelor degrees

Our Bachelor programs provide great insight into subjects such as business management, finance, marketing, IT, organization, and management. Our academics, research groups, and experts provide solutions to the challenges faced by students, society, and the economy, with the people of our institute working across disciplines to help businesses, communities, and policymakers benefit from our research outputs.

Our study programs are based on current research and assessed at the highest level, and as a student, you will be part of an active study environment characterized by an informal setting, all of which combine to equip you for a professional career.

Our programs offer advanced education designed to prepare you to work in a specific field or discipline. Similar to other academic degrees, like doctorates and certain master's, Advanced degrees are considered terminal degrees or the highest degree you can achieve in an area.

Advanced Studies awards are specifically geared toward a particular career profile. They are awarded in Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Germany, and various other countries in the world, as higher continuing education (‘Weiterbildung’) degrees.

Associate degree

An associate’s degree is a two-year academic program taken at the undergraduate level (the first stage after secondary school). It aims to give students the basic technical and academic knowledge and transferable skills they need to go on to employment or further study in their chosen field. Students who’ve completed an associate’s degree may be able to transfer some relevant course credits to count towards a Bachelor’s degree, shortening the time needed for the latter degree. In many cases, associate degree graduates can progress to our Master of Advanced Studies degree schemes.


A Bachelor’s degree is a course of academic study leading to a qualification such as a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BSc). A BA/BSc is designed to give you a thorough understanding of a subject. It helps you develop your analytical, intellectual, and essay/dissertation writing skills. Different courses will assess you in different ways. Generally, bachelor’s degrees involve a mixture of exams and coursework. Some ask you for a written dissertation that you produce at the end of the course.


Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil), is the title of an academic degree that usually involves considerable research, either through a thesis or supervised research projects. Unlike many other Bachelor’s degrees, the BPhil is typically a postgraduate degree awarded to individuals who have already completed a traditional undergraduate degree. The BPhil is usually a two-year degree plan partly taught and completed through research requirements. We also offer an undergraduate BPhil degree scheme which is a two-year program of seminars, usually six essays (of up to 5,000 words each) and a research thesis (max. 30,000 words). The BPhil is regarded as a very demanding degree, and a strong background is a prerequisite for admission.

Bachelor of Advanced studies

Bachelor of Advanced studies programs offer specialised knowledge, enabling students to acquire an additional qualification in a certain subject area and enhance their professional development. Usually, they are designed for young professionals with some work experience and a desire to acquire specialized knowledge and skills in a chosen subject area and enhance their career development. It is specifically geared toward a particular career profile. It is awarded in Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Germany, and various other countries in the world, as a higher continuing education (‘Weiterbildung’) degree. The Bachelor of Advanced studies can be delivered in an accelerated mode of study.

We undertake innovative researchAdvanced degrees

Gain the confidence to lead and build a network of supportive peers from diverse backgrounds, with unique program formats that blend virtual and classroom learning for maximum impact. Accelerate your next career move with our degree awards. Our departments offer professional Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate awards as well as research programs in disciplines of expertise of our members of staff subject to their availability for supervision.